Writer, Speaker, Encourager

Hang on! Your best life is yet to come!

This was definitely one of my best birthday weeks/weekends ever! Fun times shopping, laughing, and eating out with the two most important people in my life; countless wishes from FB friends and family; phone calls from Mom and sisters; and exciting changes at work. I say this not to brag, but to say Thank You to God for my many blessings, and to plea with those of you who are going through struggles and feeling hopeless right now to stay strong and not give up.

There were many times in my life when I had little hope and experienced fear, worry, self-doubt, loneliness, physical and emotional pain. I’m not saying I went through what you’re going through, but I feared upcoming surgeries, had self-doubt and felt ugly when I wasn’t getting asked out on dates, experienced rejection and feelings of inadequacy when I couldn’t land a job, sat helplessly at the bedside of my husband and daughter through their surgeries, cried at the loss of my dad and other loved ones, and even marriage struggles (hey, what 28-year marriage hasn’t seen challenges, right?). I never contemplated suicide, but there were definitely times when I felt so low and useless, like I had nothing good to offer. I don’t dwell on the hard times, but I think we all have them, and I like to not forget what I’ve been through and how it’s made me stronger.

And my point is: what if I had thrown in the towel during any of that? If I hadn’t stuck it out through those hard times, I wouldn’t be here feeling like these are some of the best days of my life! I feel like I’m living a dream…following my passions, walking more boldly with Christ, trying to make a difference (even if it’s a small difference) in people’s lives, and being surrounded by so much love! I never would have imagined life could be so good.

So please hang on and keep hope! If you’re hurting, pray to God — He’s listening. Or at least reach out to someone who will love and encourage you. Call or message ME if you want. You are a wonderfully unique person, deserving of love and with so much to offer to the world, even if you don’t realize it yet. And remember: Tomorrow’s a new day, and you never know what the future holds!

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In "The Alchemist's Legacy," acclaimed author L. E. Thompson weaves a spellbinding tale of mystery, magic, and redemption. Set in the enchanting world of Elysium, where ancient secrets and hidden powers lie dormant, the story follows the journey of young alchemist, Marcus Evergreen.

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