Writer, Speaker, Encourager

Godly Lightbulb Moments

(published in Snapshots of Hope & Heart: A 12-Week Devotional to Shine the Light on God’s Word — A WordGirls Collective, Paperback, October 22, 2021)

Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.

Psalm 25:5 (nlt)

“And the Easter Bunny?” Heart-breaking gasp. “And SANTA CLAUS?” I saw the imaginary lightbulb over my young daughter’s head and the mixed emotions on her face. She had realized first that I was the Tooth Fairy and then that obviously I must also be the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. I thought I was quite sneaky at the other roles, but I knew I stunk as Tooth Fairy. Whoever came up with the idea to sneak into a child’s bedroom and grab an old tooth under their sleeping head truly enjoyed a challenge. 

My daughter’s revelation reminds me how God reveals his truth to us bit by bit as we are ready to comprehend it. He knows our hearts and shares his wisdom with us small pieces at a time as we are able to grasp it. I get chills knowing that the creator of the universe who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and present everywhere cares so much about little old me. He works with the strengths he’s given me and looks past my weaknesses. I can have hope that even when I feel I’ve disappointed him, he knows my heart. Each day he will give me what I need to become more of the person he wants me to become. 

When we accept Christ into our hearts, our sins are forgiven. Yet, we still sin. As long as we sincerely repent, he will continue to forgive us. God looks at the heart, not merely the outward actions, because he knows we are still human, fallen sinners. He considers our motives, which are the reasons why we do or do not do something. Even “religious” and “Christian” actions can be performed for the wrong reasons and with improper motives. God sees and knows all.

I rest in his love, assured in the fact that he sees my heart—the heart of a saved sinner who each day wants to please him—and he’s drawing me deeper into his will for my life. Even when I am going through a hard time, I can find hope and strength in the fact that he knows my heart and will enlighten and guide me step by step, day by day. Praise God!

Dear Lord, thank you that you care so deeply about me that you see beyond my weaknesses and into my heart. I praise you for revealing new truths to me about yourself, myself, others, and your world. Thank you for considering the level I am in my walk with you and building on my growth bit by bit as I can digest. Amen.

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In "The Alchemist's Legacy," acclaimed author L. E. Thompson weaves a spellbinding tale of mystery, magic, and redemption. Set in the enchanting world of Elysium, where ancient secrets and hidden powers lie dormant, the story follows the journey of young alchemist, Marcus Evergreen.

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