Writer, Speaker, Encourager

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

What do you get when you cross the term “jaywalking” with the expression “naked as a jaybird”? Ask my then tween daughter. After watching several people walk in front of our car as we waited to pull in to a local restaurant parking lot, she nonchalantly stated, “When I was a kid, I thought jaywalking meant walking with your pants off. I couldn’t figure out why so many people said it, because not once did I ever see someone crossing the street with no pants on.” Evidently she was combining “jaywalking” with “naked as a jaybird.”

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In "The Alchemist's Legacy," acclaimed author L. E. Thompson weaves a spellbinding tale of mystery, magic, and redemption. Set in the enchanting world of Elysium, where ancient secrets and hidden powers lie dormant, the story follows the journey of young alchemist, Marcus Evergreen.

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