Writer, Speaker, Encourager

Stepping Into a New School Year: One Prayer at a Time

(published in the September 2023 Bethel Beacon, newsletter of Salix Bethel United Methodist Church)

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

“You can leave now.”

Okay, that’s not exactly what she said, but that was the look I got as I dropped my daughter off at daycare that first morning.

Wait. No crying? No grabbing my leg and sobbing, “Mommy, don’t leave”?

Of course, that was a good sign, right? Isn’t that what we want from our kids? To be comfortable to move into the next phase of their lives as independently and confidently as possible?

This mama, on the other hand, was not so comfortable with this new situation. My daughter was so much tinier than her peers. Would they try to carry her then drop her? She had orthopedic issues. Would she potentially sustain an injury from rough play after her wonderfully successful orthopedic surgeries?

I couldn’t shake my fears. All I could do was thank God she was in good hands and pray for her safety.

And that’s the best we can do throughout our children’s lives. We do our best to provide them the safest, healthiest environments, but so much is out of our control, like when we send them off to school.

As a new school year approaches, you are probably facing a mixed bag of emotions ranging from excitement for their new friendships and experiences to fear of the many unknowns.

As you and your child face the start of a new season of their growing lives, remember to ask God daily for guidance. Naturally, the list of what to pray is endless, but here are a few specific points that you can pray over your child…

Father, I pray for my child(ren) that You please…

  • Lead my child to a personal relationship with You, Lord
  • Keep them safe and protect their hearts, minds, and bodies from danger
  • Guide their hearts to love and show kindness to their peers
  • Help them to find a true friend and to be a true friend
  • Open their minds to understand the materials in their classes or to get the extra help they need
  • Direct them to the appropriate activities that are in tune with the unique person you designed them to be, with their special talents and interests
  • Bless and guide their teachers and administrators to make wise decisions for the children’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health
  • Help me to love my child with your unconditional love
  • Give me discernment to make wise decisions in their care

Cast all your worries and concerns on Him. Take a deep breath and release any fears to Him. You and your child will be blessed. No prayer is wasted, and no prayers go unheard by God.

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In "The Alchemist's Legacy," acclaimed author L. E. Thompson weaves a spellbinding tale of mystery, magic, and redemption. Set in the enchanting world of Elysium, where ancient secrets and hidden powers lie dormant, the story follows the journey of young alchemist, Marcus Evergreen.

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