Writer, Speaker, Encourager

God Brought You to Mind

I have found that when God puts someone on my heart, mind and soul, I must pray for them and sometimes go see them or call them. The Holy Spirit will guide you on what to do.Pastor Dewey Moede

Have you ever had a random thought about someone you hadn’t seen for a while, then reached out or ran into them and found out they were going through a tough time? I have. Call it coincidence if you want. I call it Divine Intervention. I believe God puts those thoughts in our heads and for a reason.

I also believe we shouldn’t ignore these tugs at our heartstrings, because:

  1. They came to mind for a reason, even if we don’t know the reason.
  2. Reaching out to them could be just what they need to give them hope for that day. You may be the only one who’s taken the time to make them feel like they matter.
  3. The more we pay attention and react to these nudges, the more our minds and hearts will be open to similar opportunities in the future.

So what should you do if a specific person randomly comes into your mind?

Pray for them. You won’t necessarily know their current issues or struggles, but God will. Ask God to watch over them through whatever they’re experiencing and wrap His loving arms around them.

Pray for guidance. Pray that God will give you the words they need most and guide your actions so you reach out to them in love.

Then reach out to them to say you’re thinking about them. There are various ways to do this, depending on the circumstances and what you feel most comfortable doing:

  1. A face-to-face visit.
  2. Phone call.
  3. Email, text message, or personal social media message.
  4. Snail mail letter or greeting card.

You don’t need to say much. Often just knowing someone cares enough to take the time to reach out is a huge encouragement. Here’s an example of what to say:

“Hi, Jenny! The Lord brought you to my mind today, so I just wanted to say hello and let you know I’m thinking of you. I hope all is going well. I’d love to chat. Feel free to call me at 867-5309.”

No need to ask questions or pry for information. If they wish to share, they will.

I have experienced numerous occasions where I said something similar, then they responded by sharing a struggle or recent loss. Not only was I able to offer them some prayers and encouragement in a time of need, but I was also blessed by the renewing or strengthening of a friendship.

Never underestimate the difference you can make in the lives of others. Step forward, reach out and help. This week reach to someone that might need a lift.Pablo

I’d love to hear your story if you’ve had a situation such as this where you reached out to someone who randomly came to mind, or perhaps you were on the receiving end. Feel free to reply below. Have a wonderful day! -Terri

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In "The Alchemist's Legacy," acclaimed author L. E. Thompson weaves a spellbinding tale of mystery, magic, and redemption. Set in the enchanting world of Elysium, where ancient secrets and hidden powers lie dormant, the story follows the journey of young alchemist, Marcus Evergreen.

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